Tvoření předbudoucího průběhového času
Tento gramatický čas se skládá ze dvou částí:
předbudoucího prostého tvaru slovesa "to be" (will have been) + přítomného příčestí významového slovesa (slovesný kořen + ing)
Podmět | + will have been | + přítomné příčestí |
He | will have been | playing. |
I | will have been | playing. |
Předbudoucí průběhový čas slovesa "TO LIVE"
Kladný tvar | Záporný tvar | Kladná otázka | Záporná otázka |
I will have been living | I won't have been living | Will I have been living? | Won't I have been living? |
You will have been living | You won't have been living | Will you have been living? | Won't you have been living? |
He will have been living | He won't have been living | Will he have been living? | Won't he have been living? |
We will have been living | We won't have been living | Will we have been living? | Won't we have been living? |
They will have been living | They won't have been living | Will they have been living? | Won't they have been living? |
Podobně jako u prostého předbudoucího času i zde se v duchu přenášíme do budoucnosti a mluvíme o něčem, co zatím není dokončené, ale někdy v budoucnu bude. I tento čas zpravidla doprovází konkrétní časové určení.
- I will have been waiting here for three hours by six o'clock.
- By 2001 I will have been living in London for sixteen years.
- When I finish this course, I will have been learning English for twenty years.
- Next year I will have been working here for four years.
- When I come at 6:00, will you have been practicing long?